Qualis Health puts care teams and delivery networks on a proven path to transforming their systems of care in order to meet the demands of the changing healthcare environment.
More than 1,000 practices across the country have redesigned themselves using our evidence-based framework, the Pathway to Practice Transformation.
We have helped nearly 250 practices achieve NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Recognition, with 75% of those practices attaining Level 3 Recognition.
Our team members are skilled healthcare professionals with extensive real-world experience supporting a diverse set of clients:
Qualis Health’s Pathway to Practice Transformation is an evidence-based, sequential model that includes everything you need to achieve:
Each step of the way is sustained by expert guides, robust implementation support and proven tools.
Having worked with hundreds of practices, we realize that each practice has unique characteristics. That’s why we take the time to better understand the team and its goals before developing a customized plan that includes only the services and assistance that meet your specific needs.
Advanced Primary Care Practice Demonstration Project
We provided technical assistance for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Federally Qualified Health Center Advanced Primary Care Practice (APCP) Demonstration Project.
Of the sites that received direct technical assistance from Qualis Health, 81% achieved Level 3 2011 NCQA PCMH Recognition by the end of the project.
Arkansas Payment Improvement Initiative’s PCMH Program
We provided patient-centered medical home (PCMH) consulting services to primary care practices throughout Arkansas.
Thirteen primary care practices that participated in our 2014 Practice Support Program earned $3.3 million in shared savings from the Arkansas Department of Human Services for improving the quality of care for Arkansas Medicaid enrollees while also driving down costs.
Read more about this achievement.
Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care’s Academic Innovations Collaborative
We help incorporate PCMH principles into the medical education and care delivery provided by Harvard Medical School-affiliated teaching practices.
Our primary care redesign work reaches 19 practices across six academic medical centers and nearly 260,000 patients. Assessments performed every six months by all participating sites show significant progress in applying practice transformation principles.
Healthier Washington Practice Transformation Support Hub
We offer tools, training and hands-on technical assistance to primary care and behavioral health providers throughout Washington State.
This effort—a project of the Washington State Health Care Authority and the Washington State Department of Health—helps healthcare providers move toward value-based payment, behavioral health integration and whole-person care.
Download the Hub's final report
L.A. Care Health Plan PCMH Pilot Project
We designed and led the PCMH pilot for 17 practices within L.A. Care Health Plan, the largest publicly operated health plan in the U.S.
With our targeted technical assistance, these practices transformed themselves into high-functioning patient-centered medical homes, improving care for more than 85,000 patients.
Safety Net Medical Home Initiative
In partnership with the MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation, Qualis Health led this landmark demonstration of the PCMH model of care that included 65 primary care safety net practices serving 500,000 patients.
A special supplement to the journal Medical Care reported on the progress made by the participating clinics. Baseline and interim observations from an evaluation of the SNMHI conducted by the University of Chicago are also included in this publication.
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(800) 949-7536
Find out how Qualis Health is advancing practice transformation in Washington state.
»read the Healthier Washington Practice Transformation Support Hub final report
»visit our Practice Transformation website