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John H. Vassall, MD

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Physician Executive, Quality and Safety

Qualis Health

John H. Vassall, MD, is Qualis Health’s Physician Executive for Quality and Safety. He provides strategic leadership, clinical insight, and technical expertise to help drive the organization’s diverse patient safety and quality improvement activities.

Dr. Vassall’s career spans more than three decades. Before joining Qualis Health, he was a Hospital MD Surveyor for The Joint Commission, evaluating U.S. hospitals for safety and quality of care. At Swedish Health Services, he was Chief Medical Officer, responsible for quality, safety, accreditation, research, medical staff services, and risk and compliance. He also served as Vice President for Medical Affairs and Chief of Staff.

Currently, Dr. Vassall is a Trustee for the Washington State Medical Association (WSMA), the American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity, WSMA’s Foundation for Health Care Improvement, and Seattle University. He has held seats on the American Hospital Association board of trustees and the Washington State Hospital Association board of trustees. He is a member of the University of Washington School of Public Health’s Master of Health Administration Advisory Committee.

After earning a bachelor of science from the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Vassall earned master of science and doctor of medicine degrees from the University of Washington (UW). He is a graduate of the UW Medicine Certificate Program in Medical Management and the UW Foster School of Business Executive Development Program, as well as the Advanced Training Program in Health Care Delivery Improvement at the Intermountain Healthcare Institute for Healthcare Delivery Research.