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Qualis Health Launches New "Patient and Family Advisor Program"

March 12, 2015

Medicare beneficiaries and family members invited to help to improve healthcare

Seattle, WA - Qualis Health, a leader in population health management, has announced the launch of a new Patient and Family Advisor Program for Medicare beneficiaries and their families in Idaho and Washington. Through the program, volunteer advisors advocate for healthcare centered on the needs and preferences of patients and families.

Qualis Health is the Medicare Quality Innovation Network - Quality Improvement Organization for Idaho and Washington under contract to the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Its healthcare quality experts work with medical providers and consumers across the region to improve the quality of care for people with Medicare, working toward a vision of better healthcare, better community health and lower costs.

Depending on interests and availability, volunteer advisors may:

  • Share their story. Advisors help by talking about their experiences with the healthcare system—what went well and what did not.
  • Participate in discussion groups. Advisors share what "quality" means from a patient perspective, and make suggestions for how improvements can be made.
  • Review or help create educational or informational materials.
  • Work on short-term projects. Advisors participate in learning networks to help doctors, nurses and administrators understand patient expectations and needs.

By sharing their perspective, patient and family advisors will enhance Qualis Health's work to improve how healthcare is delivered for all. Learn more about the program at medicare.qualishealth.org/patientfamilyadvisors.


This material was prepared by Qualis Health, the Medicare Quality Innovation Network - Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) for Idaho and Washington, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The contents presented do not necessarily reflect CMS policy. ID/WA-A1-QH-1670-03-15

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For media inquiries, please contact:

Evan Stults
Vice President, Communications
(206) 288-2458